Air Monitoring

"You don't know the air you breathe until you test it".

Air Monitoring

Air monitoring and air quality assessments are conducted for detection of airborne asbestos fiber dust and mold spores present in the air. This process also determines the severity of these issues and recommendations to mitigate the exposure.

Long term exposure to polluted air can cause respiratory conditions, allergies, frequent headaches, constant coughing and sneezing, and in extreme cases, cancer. Air pollution can be in many forms and can only be accurately detected through extensive indoor air quality testing. The reports indicate the contaminant and the degree of contamination within the indoor space so it can be appropriately treated.

Mold spores affect indoor air quality. There are many types of mold, some of which are dangerous and affect indoor air quality with hazardous effects. You can monitor for airborne particles that affect environmental health and other pollutants through air monitoring. It is difficult to detect mold accurately without the proper equipment.

Air Monitoring during or after Renovation / Demolition

Renovation or demolition is a procedure that involves a certain amount of risk. Air pollution can also happen during a renovation or abatement work. Fibers and dust are released in the air due to the disintegration of material that contains asbestos during demolition. Asbestos air monitoring is used to detect the level of contamination and exposure risk, during demolition or abatement work. We can also conduct air monitoring after undertaking risky procedures such as demolition or renovation to ensure that the air within is safe for living/work conditions. Once we ensure that all harmful fibers have been cleared, you may continue with your renovation or demolition without having to worry about the quality of air that you breathe.

Air monitoring during demolition procedures has the following benefits:

  • To ensure that an appropriate level of personal protection equipment (PPE) or respiratory protective equipment has been chosen.
  • To check the effectiveness of dust suppression methods used during the asbestos removal process.
Asbestos air test is also essential to ensure that the levels of asbestos fibers are safe for occupation after renovation. It is best to hire the services of our professional Asbestos Air Monitoring investigators today, for asbestos sampling and indoor air quality assessments to ensure accurate results. Our experienced team is qualified to work on occupational, ambient and clearance sampling.